Redeemed and Reconciled
The mission of Stillwaters Church is to lead people of all ages into a glorious relationship with God through Christ.
However, believing in Jesus is not the same as being a disciple of Jesus. Disciples not only believe but follow, they not only love God but they obey His Word.
We believe that the life of discipleship holds the most joy, fulfillment, and purpose of any other life.

Total Transformation
Our vision is to be a church of grace-filled people. We believe Grace Changes Everything. As Jesus Christ works in and through us to fulfill our mission and pursue our vision, we expect to see lives changed spiritually…in healthier relationships, and more. We expect that Jesus’ teaching can heal marriages, raise godly kids, restore sexual brokenness, and heal the soul as well as the spirit. In short, we believe the work of the church is to see lives transformed so that they can reach the goal of godly transformation and Christ-likeness.

Sacred Communion
The Gospel is ultimately about humanity being restored to God. Once restored, we are then to commune with God, to fellowship with Him, and as our simple statement of faith reads, “to enjoy Him forever.”
A large majority of believers don’t take the time to, as the apostle Paul says, “know Christ.” This type of knowledge is based on His Word but is also experiential and personal. We teach people how to grow in experiencing God daily.

Missional Community
We believe that one of the marks of the church is service…serving the community and world. We partner with local Christ centered service organizations that are reaching the need for Christ in a practical way. We invite you to join us in this great extension of the Love of God.