Welcome to Stillwaters Church
Stillwaters Church is a group of believers committed to the Biblical command to love God, each other, and grow in His Word and Spirit. We experience the joy and fulfillment meant for all people that comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our history:
We began in 2002 when a small group of core members, along with our senior pastor started meeting weekly in a living room. In 2013, we moved into our own building on 12 acres of beautiful Chester County farmland. We recently completed the finishing of a new gym in our building, as well as 4 new Sunday School rooms!
What We Believe:
We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Savior of all who believe in Him… That the Bible is the Word of God and provides us with God’s will for every area of our lives. We teach the great truths of the Protestant Reformation, known as “Reformed Theology”. As a church of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), Stillwaters’ pastors and officers are committed to teaching and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, as laid out in the Old and New Testaments and explained in the Westminster Confession of Faith, and governed by the guidelines of the PCA Book of Church Order.
We believe that God gave us His Spirit to experience Him intimately and personally each day. We joyfully embrace God’s call to live the Spirit-filled life each day.
We also believe that even as you grow spiritually you should also experience emotional growth and maturity.




Raising Young Leaders

A family of grace in a broken world...
Stillwaters is a community, a family. If you read our sign it says, “A family of grace in a broken world.” The bible teaches that all of us are broken, and all of us need His Grace equally each day.
We teach the Bible, literally. We are also strongly committed to raising up our children in a community of GRACE. We believe that our children represent the best hope for the future in this broken world. We follow and teach the bible literally and are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
We are not a “glitzy” church. We believe that Sunday morning worship should be about experiencing God and growing in knowledge of the bible and relationships with others.
We have a strong men’s ministry. Our men are also committed to mentoring the young men in our church.
We have a strong women’s ministry. Our women are also committed to raising up the next generation of godly, Christ following young women. Our ministry to children spans the ages of nursery through High School. At present we have a large number of children but not a large number of teens.
Jesus said, “And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free”. Come learn what it means to have new freedom in your life as you learn to follow Christ, participate in a new family, and grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus.
What We Believe
Learn what we believe here at Stillwaters Presbyterian Church.